Life portal leading players to compete in the trilliondollar market views Pinduoduo APP launches local life portal leading players to compete in the trilliondollar market The secret weapon of a successful Bside product manager tips for utilizing yearend summaries just Eye tracking interaction years of review and prospects views Eye tracking interaction years of review and prospects Anticorruption storm sweeps through major
Internet companies views Anticorruption storm sweeps through major Internet companies Use enterprise architecture to build a digital transformation system views Use enterprise architecture to build a digital transformation USA Student Phone Number List system A practical guide from zero basics to advanced operations A practical guide from zero basics to advanced operations recommend Comment Please log in to comment Wang Zai Jike Clouds plan recent from hubei reply Liao Dunxi Sir in the prepackaging process the order is pushed in and shipped directly out of the warehouse After the inventory is deducted the onsite
only needs to be printed and affixed to the delivery logistics Or is it done during printing and then shipped out and the inventory is deducted recent from Guangdong reply namalili reply Liao Dunxi The prepackage should be a new SKU with subproducts related to BOM below it When you prepackage the inventory of the subproducts is directly deducted Just add the prepackaged SKU finished product inventory and the prepackaged SKU inventory is directly deducted when leaving the warehouse recent from Shanghai reply Expose your strength reply namalili Combining goods and prepackaging should be two independent functions Single products can also be prepackaged and combined goods can only.